With a network of media buyers, TaxLeads.com is dedicated to assisting tax resolution firms with custom television campaigns that effectively brand companies and produce one of the best direct response inbound calls in marketing and advertising. Firms interested in custom branded tv campaigns understand this type of advertising is for larger companies with good size budgets that are committed to a process. The custom tv campaign is at a minimum a 60-90 day commitment and should not be confused with non-branded and generic campaigns that offer inbound tv calls on a cost per call basis.
Our media networks are experts at building custom campaigns with nationally televised ads in prime-time and remnant media time slots. Each campaign involves hiring the actors, creating the ad tailored specifically to the tax resolution firm advertising, developing the scripting, purchasing the media, watching the campaign and tracking the results. All of this is done working closely with the advertising firm to make sure that their tv campaign produces with the message and branding that will be effective and works well for the advertiser. All tv campaigns are watched and nurtured with tweaking that gives advertisers the visibility, brand recognition and high performing calls that they are seeking. If a company has the means to allocate a significant budget for advertising, custom tv campaigns for tax resolution firms are a great way to go.
The tracking portal houses all of the call logs and recordings. This is a tool that is invaluable to tax resolution firms on tv campaigns. It comes with a username and password access for management and is effectively used to gauge lead volume, lead quality and the quality of the sales reps scripting. Used properly, managers are able to quickly identify sales rep performance and hold them accountable to company standards. Paying close attention to the call recordings pays huge dividends. They may simultaneously be played back in a group or individual training sessions and be used by management to identify sales opportunities that reps need an assist on to close the deal. When taken seriously, the platform can and will increase conversions and lower marketing costs.
TV campaigns are a great way to advertise for tax firms looking to grow their national footprints, brand recognition, and sales. They are a big boy type of adverting that requires a significant budget. For the tax resolution firms that have this type of budget, TaxLeads.com is happy to assist you with your custom tv campaigns.
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